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Thursday 30 May 2024

Recap: 228th Chapter Meeting – 27 April 2024

It was a warm, splendid, and wonderful Saturday afternoon at our Anchorvale CC Toastmaster Club's  228th Chapter Meeting. It is our great honor to have other distinguished guests, new members and fellow members from other clubs joining our hybrid meeting.

Our Club President, Adeline Yeo, who has taken up triple roles as Sergeant-At-Arms, Toastmaster of the Day, and Club President, called the meeting to order. She shared the meeting agenda and introduced the appointment holders. New member, Shelly Angriany was holding the role of Timer while Table Topics Master and Ah-Counter were held by Guests, Loo Chia Mint and Alayna Seah (PM2) respectively. Adeline gave the Club President’s opening address to everyone. As the theme of the Meeting was “Achieving Balance, Enhancing Life”, Adeline shared an inspirational speech on what is life balance and how to achieve and enhance it.

Prepared speeches were the highlights of the meeting. Three of our club members Prabha Jayaraman, Chong Wee Kim, Shelly Angriany and a finalist contest speaker, Vincent Chen have stepped out from their comfort zone, put forth their best abilities, and shared their life experiences to each and everyone. Their stories impacted many of us and has enhanced our learning.

Vincent Chen (DTM) Presenting

Next, is our Table Topic Session, which was prepared by Speaker Toastmaster Club member, Loo Chia Mint. In this segment, club members and guests get a chance to share their views and experiences on the topics they have selected in a 1 -2-minute impromptus speech.

New member, Shelly Angriany attempting a Table Topic

New member, Hongyu sharing his views for a Table Topic

  Zulhafni Zulkeflee attempting a Table Topic

Thereafter, everyone gets together to have a group photo session followed by a light refreshment. Everyone gets to exchange their ideas, share about their experiences, and get to network with one another. All had a very enjoyable time.

                Everyone gets together to have a group photo session 

After the break, the project evaluators [Audrey Lim (PM3), Iman Hossian (PM2), Joseph Tan (LD5, EC5, PM5, MS5), Wee Chee Sian (VC2)] gave their feedback to our speakers on how they fared in their speech presentation and how they could further improve. This was followed by our Language Evaluation by our honorary member, Richard Sng (DMT) on the proper usage of English Language, and our distinguished guest and Ah-Counter, Alayna Seah (PM2) on the detailed Ah-Counter report. She also gave some useful tips on how to effectively reduce pause fillers.

Ah-Counter, Alayna Seah presenting her Ah-Counter Report

Now, it is time to reveal the winners for the prepared speech, table topics and best evaluator. Congratulation to Vincent Chen (DTM), Zulhafni Zulkeflee, and Wee Chee Sian (VC2). Well done!

Best speakers: Vincent Chen (DTM)

                   Best Table Topics: Zulhafni Zulkeflee

                    Best Project Evaluator: Wee Chee Sian (VC2)

Finally, the meeting has ended with our ending speech from our Club President.

The awards were presented to the following winners:

Best speakers: Vincent Chen (DTM)

Best Table Topics: Zulhafni Zulkeflee

Best Project Evaluator: Wee Chee Sian (VC2)

We sincerely appreciated all appointment holders for preparing and making this Chapter meeting a success and were grateful to all guests and members who took time to attend this chapter meeting.

Do stay tune for our next chapter meeting and we welcome you to join us as guest.

Together We Shine!

Anchorvale CC Toastmasters Club

Written by Dylan Lam (EC1)

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