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Monday 12 December 2016

Anchorvale CC Toastmasters 98th Chapter Meeting plus Christmas Feast

Christmas is one of the most magical time of the year in sunny Singapore.
Orchard road lights up, sale in almost every corner, Norman d' Chairman getting a huge bonus!
These are true signs that Christmas is just a few days away.

The chapter meeting started off with a quick round of introduction thanks to Dino our SAA. Thereafter everyone were asked to share their most memorable Christmas experience. Rusman took the stage to deliver a fantastic opening in his TMD role. Thereafter, our dear President Norman Tan shared to everyone his acronymically bittersweet feeling on the festive season as – CRAZED (cranky-regret-anxious-zorry-enlivened-divine). Zorry!?! .... really Norman? 

SPIRITED – the word of the day. Muthu Ganesh, CC, CL, was our language evaluator for this chapter meeting. He is present to pick out the beautiful language that we used throughout the meeting. He is present to encourage everyone to utilized verbal ornamentation such as rhetoric, triads, idioms and analogy.

What an exciting day we had lined up. 6 prepared speeches, 5 from the Competent Communicator Manual and 1 speech from Advanced Manual. Gu Weite organized her P2 speech with pizzazz, sharing the 3 knows of speaking. Angela Cai then encourage everyone how to get a stronger will power to achieve the things you want. Vicky Frantz then share how to decode life secret by living it without regrets. Then Kelvin shock us by telling us the amount of food waste generated in Singapore has increased by about 45 per cent over the past 10 years. Yuan Yuan jubilantly advocate in his speech to live a joyful life. Last but not least, we have Sathiya the superb speaker, who proved to everyone his magniloquence by whipping up a laughter-filled speech about healthy lifestyle. His effort eventually won him the best prepared speech speaker award. Good job! It was an oratorical delight that made the Saturday afternoon absolutely awesome!


As this chapter meeting is a Christmas special, our refreshments were also special. Our club mentor, Jenny, DTM brought a sumptuous roasted chicken for the occasion, celebrating the birthday of our December babies at the same time. To balance our diet, she prepared a delicious fruit salad as well, thanks Jenny you’re awesome! please share the recipe please!

The project evaluations segment came right after our refreshment break. Chee Sian, Celine Goh, Joe Wan, Norman Tan, Richard Tay and Jenny Au gave their opinions on the respective prepared speech speakers. Even for the rest of us, their evaluations educated us on how to make our future speeches better.
 Finally, it was time for the exciting but nerve-wracking Christmassy table topics! Salma introduced 12 yuletide table topics, first blood was the bald dude with the white beard. The interesting mix of cause and effect resulted in surprisingly hilarious speeches from many of our speakers. Some even speak twice it was that good :D !
All good things come to an end. Muthu delivered his language evaluator’s report, our benevolent guest from NTU Alumni TMC, William Tang, DTM, gave us his tender loving brutally honest monologue regarding how our meeting was held through his general evaluator’s report.
Special thanks to all appointment holders and visiting Toastmasters: Kelvin Leong TM, Zheng Yuan Yuan TM, Joe Wan ACB/ALB, Celine Goh CC/ALB, and William Tang, DTM.

That’s it from us for the year 2016. Come join us in 2017 and we will make sure it will be worth your time!

Best Prepared Speech: Sathiyamoorthi, CC
Best Project Evaluator: Jenny Au, DTM
Best Table Topics: Mr. Nick Claus