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Monday, 27 February 2012

21th Chapter meeting at the Rooftop! 25 February 2012

It made us worried for a while, would the picturesque backdrop steal all the limelight?
In the end, it couldn't.  The band of eloquent speakers at our club was the main highlight, and few if anyone even noticed the great view we had right before us.

7 of our club members delivered their prepared speeches, of which 4 of them were ICE BREAKERS.
Bravo... Yvonne, Sanjay, Sumarlin and Sandeep! We know you guys better now.  Our seasoned presenters; Sathiya, Enya and Thomas also entertained us with their respective projects.

The program of the day was so well planned by Bernard and May, we could complete all the speaking engagements, the subsequent project evaluations, an intensive round of Table Topic challenge and still had time for a birthday celebration for our dear Treasurer, Kian Keong.   The only regret was that time seems to have flew by, how we hope the good time could slow its pace and let us relish the moment a little longer.  Especially when we had new friends who joined us for the first time;  Evelyn, Ryan (Enya's friend), Vereen and Tony, who graced our event.

The winner for the Prepared Speech segment went to .......... Enya Tan!  It was a close call, but Enya managed to impress the audiences more with her highly animated performance.  It was P5- 'Your body speaks'.  Her meticulously-choreographed and scripted speech certainly spoke volume.

The "Star-player" of Anchorvale Toastmasters Club - Zulhafni, won the best evaluator's award with flying colors.  My gosh, this young law-undergraduate is only 22 this year.   We are keeping our fingers crossed wishing that when he eventually becomes a lawyer one day, he would not be a devil's advocate but be an angel's savior.

Do join us during the next chapter meeting on Saturday, 10th March 2012.   Cheers!

Roger Yap

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Speechcraft Workshop on Saturday 10 Dec 2011- “Speaking with Confidence”

An inspirational speech is a highly emotional speech that serves to urge and stimulate a group to pursue significant personal and corporate goals, choose right corporate strategy, correct mistakes, etc. Additionally, an inspirational speech arms the audience with tools and awareness they should possess to succeed in their personal lives and in the modern globally competitive marketplace.

As far as inspirational speeches serve to inspire different kinds of people including professionals, an inspirational speech can combine components as diverse as valid business principles, real life situations and memorable stories. An inspirational l speech is a variety of a persuasive speech and it is pragmatically oriented: a recipient of an inspirational speech should experience a certain impact, i.e. change his/her behavior, act in this or that way, agree with something. To this end, an imperative mood should be used in inspirational speeches. Energetic phrases starting with "do", "donate", "join", "create", "buy" are most likely to reinforce the effect of an inspirational speech.

An inspirational speaker should very well realize what are positions, or actions he/she is going to popularize. Besides, a thorough preparatory research is required to take into account numerous factors that can influence the process of listening and further decision-making. These are as follows:
1)   Social factors: status, education, values of the audience;
2)   Pragmatic factors: requirements, needs and interests of the audience.

Sanjeev also introduced contest for audience members.The theme was,”Talk about yourself. Furthermore, we received pointers on the areas of speech development and how to make a humorous speech.

Thomas Selveraj
Sergeant At Arms